Gadamer Prize

Barbara Cassin – Prizewinner for the Year 2025

The Hans-Georg Gadamer Society for Hermeneutic Philosophy has awarded the 2025 Gadamer Prize to Barbara Cassin, Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS in Paris and a member of the Académie française. With this honor, the society recognizes the life’s work of a philologist and philosopher whose publications on the cultural function of translation—particularly the challenges posed by untranslatables—along with her widely acclaimed studies and editions on Presocratic philosophy, the sophists, and ancient rhetoric, have made a profound scholarly and cultural contribution. Her work deepens the understanding and appreciation of the irreducible diversity of natural languages and the specifically linguistic, cultural, and communicative conditions that shape philosophical concept formation. It stands in unmistakable proximity to, yet also in productive tension with, Gadamer’s dialogical hermeneutics of alterity.

Charles Larmore – Prizewinner for the Year 2022

The Hans-Georg Gadamer Society for Hermeneutic Philosophy has bestowed the first of its Gadamer Prizes, in the amount of 5,000 Euro, to Professor Charles Larmore, Ph.D. (Brown University, USA). With this gesture, the society wishes to honor a world-class philosopher who has made milestone contributions to moral philosophy and political theory, most especially to the theory of political liberalism as well as to the essence of freedom and human rationality. Larmore’s far-reaching work displays argumentative precision, historical erudition, and a sensibility for diagnosing the signs of the times, all of which can be called hermeneutic in the best sense of the word. Larmore draws on Gadamer’s hermeneutics in an independent as well as philosophically relevant manner, not the least in his writings on the philosophy of conversation and the ethics of reading.