“We do not speak in the name of reason. Anyone who speaks in the name of reason contradicts himself. For it is reasonable to acknowledge that one’s own insight is limited and for just that reason to be capable of better insights, wherever they may come from.”
The Power of Reason (1968),
trans. Chris Dawson in Praise of Theory, New Haven: Yale UP 1998, 48.

Honoring Barbara Cassin: Gadamer Prize Award Ceremony at Heidelberg University’s Historic Old Auditorium, February 11, 2025
Photographic Impressions

Awarding of the 2025 Gadamer Prize to Barbara Cassin

On February 11, 2025, the Hans-Georg Gadamer Society will award the 2025 Gadamer Prize to Barbara Cassin, emeritus research director at the CNRS in Paris and member of the Académie française. The public award ceremony will take place at 6:15 PM in the Old Auditorium of Heidelberg University. The laudatory speech for Barbara Cassin will be delivered by Denis Thouard (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin).
Gadamer Grants 2023
March 13, 2023
The Gadamer Grants for the year 2023, each endowed with 2,000 euros, will be awarded to Brady DeHoust (Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, USA) and Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire (The John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, USA). Brady DeHoust is recognized for his project “Hermeneutics and Transcendence. Gadamer’s Contribution to the Philosophy of Religion,” while Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire is recognized for his research project “Ethics without Metaphysics? Gadamer’s Aristotle Between Appropriation and Critique.”
Gadamer portraits by Horst Seller
February 11, 2023
The Heidelberg physiologist and painter Professor Dr. Horst Seller has created a series of portraits in recent months, which show Hans-Georg Gadamer in his old age. With the artist’s kind permission, we reproduce three of these impressive pictures that incorporate memories of encounters and conversations the portraitist had with the subject in the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences.